Published: 2022-12-27
Some Interesting Blogs I've Stumbled Upon
I will update this from time to time as I find more people I want to share. These are mostly technology focused.
MacOS App Developers
- Ryan Hansen
- maker of
- Evan Travers
- makes some interesting apps for productivity
Digital Gardens
- Derek Kay
- Jeff Atwood
- founder of stack overflow
- Matt Mulenwhegg
- The founder of Wordpress/Automattic
- Martin Tournoij
- random little open source projects, like [[Goatcounter]]
- Tim Pope
- Pope is a total nut and the king of vim plugins
Game Developers
- Zach Gage
- Made that iOS fishing game you liked so much
Unix/Linux Developers and Ricers
- Waylon Walker
- My go to for #tmux keybinding help. He has some great guides for this. Update ([[2022-12-17]]): these days I'm not using tmux, I replaced it with kitty terminal, which fits pretty much all my needs.
- Kevin Quinn
- Chris Grieser (PseudoMeta)
- Chris makes a lot of great plugins/addons for various apps like Obsidian and Alfred